Erwin Gooss GmbH & Co. KG | Gooss Logistic GmbH | Cuxhavener Kühlhaus GmbH | Best Harvest GmbH
- 1999 Axel Stahlbuck, Industrial Engineer for logstics, becomes managing director at Ewin Gooss GmbH & Co. KG
- 2002 Axel Stahlbuck aquires first shares of the company
- 2009 Axel Stahlbuck becomes sole shareholder of Ewin Gooss GmbH & Co. KG and its shares in the subsidiaries
- 2020 Axel Stahlbuck sells 50% each of his shares to: CR Cuxhavener Reeder & Doggerbank Seefischerei
- 1994 Erwin Gooss and Axel Dinter founded Best Harvest, specialised in packing and repacking of frozen products. In the beginning mainly fruits, like cherries, are handled. 2007 a project with
Iglo is intiating the change to the fish business. Today mainly fish is repacked on five modern packing lines: a end and a top-load card box line, three pillow bag lines and one vacuum chain pack
- Depending on customer demand the service orientated partner Best Harvest is also today changing constantly its portfolio.
Best Harvest is certtified in the standards IFS- and MSC and has a german veterinary registration number.
Managing Director: Ralf Böschen